Integrating SEO Reseller Services into Your Business Model

Integrating SEO Reseller Services into Your Business Model

As an internet marketing agency, you’ve got a million things on your plate. Every day, clients are looking to you for help, but you only have so many hours in the day. You might be building their social media presence or refining their branding. A smart way to offer more services without overwhelming yourself is by becoming an SEO reseller – let the experts handle the complex world of SEO.


SEO Isn't Just About Backlinks Anymore

Gone are the days when SEO was all about backlinks. A site could rank for any keyword if you simply threw enough links at it. Google’s algorithm has evolved significantly, and so have the methods for driving traffic.


The rise of local SEO has changed the game. Now, you need to get your local business listed on Google My Business, build citations across the web, and that’s just the start.  We haven’t even touched on optimizing each page for maximum visibility.


If all you did was build links, your site would sink like a stone. It’s surprising that some people still believe links alone will guarantee top rankings. Instead, consider links as part of a holistic approach to SEO health, not the sole focus.

Each Client Is Worth More Than Just One Sale

Let’s say a local car wash comes to you for on-page SEO. You can optimize their pages, ensure proper interlinking, and meet their initial request.


But remember, McDonald’s always asks if you want fries with that for a reason.  They understand the value of the upsell.  In this case, you could offer on-page SEO and suggest managing their pay-per-click (PPC) ads. It’s possible their current ads aren’t performing as well as they’d like.


Since the SEO landscape has shifted, you can bundle services into a more valuable package for both your client and your bottom line. Your goal is to meet as many of your client’s needs as possible, maximizing the potential revenue from each customer.


You Can't Juggle a Million Services at Once

Becoming a reseller allows you to offer a wider range of services without spreading yourself too thin. Let someone else do the heavy lifting while you focus on acquiring new clients. Your only concern is growth, as the SEO company handles the fulfillment of its obligations. It’s the easiest way to expand your business without sacrificing quality.


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Integrating SEO Reseller Services into Your Business

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