A Guide on How Customized Box Packaging Boosts Brand Image

A Guide on How Customized Box Packaging Boosts Brand Image

Ever wonder why custom packaging matters most for boosting brand image? Because 72% of the consumers are influenced by the product packaging design and presentation. Packaging has emerged (plays a pivotal role) for significant brand identity, building customer connections, and offering product protection. Sharing the basic information of your product with the custom packaging will endure customer relationships and boost brand image. 


Custom box packaging has become the need of every small or larger business to sell or mail their goods to close a deal. About 30% of packaging designs increase sales and 18% of influencers reinforce your brand image to tell their followers to believe in your product.  


Now you know why custom box packaging matters the most for boosting the brand image and awareness. So, read this blog and learn about how you can customize box packaging to the latest trends and increase brand identity. 


10 Custom Packaging Trends That Help

Customers want new sleek and trendy packaging designs on the shelves that are more convenient and can be reused further. Therefore, paying attention to details (on packaging style and design) always gives you results (brand image and sales). Think of it and play with these packaging trends to achieve a great brand identity. 


This is all about custom boxes’ importance and now here are the 10 trends in which you can customize your packaging that increase your brand recall:

Comprehend the Product Need

Start with the planning of the packaging design and style. Understand the product needs with the 3Ps of packaging: protection, presentation, and preservation which help your product stand out on the shelves. First things first, the packaging is the foremost element because every product requires consumer attention. 


Choosing the right size, shape, material, print, design, or style should reflect your brand personality and comprehend the product needs.  


Use Minimalist Design

Understanding how to integrate the custom packaging approach into generating a sleek and creative design. If you are a small business and looking for branding, use a minimalist design to foster your brand image. This trendy design gives clarity and lets the customer focus on the products. A clutter-free design allows customers to set out to do what they want to do. 

Understand the Power of Visuals

As earlier it was mentioned that first impressions are key to capturing customer attention. For example, graphics, illustrations, text, and textures help you to resonate with the customers. Go with proper visuals that connect users emotionally with your product. Try to match with the brand values and product requirements that create a story for customers.  


With exceptional visuals make your product stand out and reinforce your brand identity. 

Communicate with Selective Colors

According to some research, 43% remember their names and 78% remember the brand through colors. Select colors that tell customers what is inside and reflect your brand image. Picture this: the cyan color for candles gives a relaxing vibe and matches the product intent. Now you know that learning the color psychology for packaging evokes the customers’ emotions. 


The right color selection will foster your brand image and increase your product familiarity on various shelves.


Choose a Standard Typography

Every brand has its unique and classy typography that allows customers to remember about your brand. It will enhance the product’s visual appeal and maintain the product’s identity. To get a better idea, learn about typefaces and its impact on the graphic layout. Always pay attention to the creativity of text to increase your product visual.  

Embellished Your Creative Art

Create your design on the product box canvases with an imaginary brush and provide a cohesive brand message. With consistent packaging stay alert on the consumer mind and increase your sales. Customers always preferred brands with creative and consistent design. You know all about your product and its uses, embellish your art on the boxes to grab your target audiences in competition. 


This will cultivate an emotional connection with customers and boost brand values and ethos. 

Use A Flat Illustration

Some products require flat illustrations on the boxes to provide better descriptions of the products. It improves product readability and grasps the packaging concept. Using blocks or shapes with vibrant colors allows customers to focus on the design and gives clarity. It is an easier way to enhance your package’s visual appeal.


Opt for the Bold Design

When we talk about the bold design of the custom packaging, it means utilizing some shimmery and glossy packaging that gets more eyeballs. For custom soap packaging boxes, you can add a touch of a luxurious feel to make it more attractive. You can use the finishes technique to increase its visual aesthetic and catch more customers’ attention. 

Never Forget the Branding Elements

This is where you need to know the worth of your branding elements which help you increase your brand recognition. You can print your custom soap boxes with the logo, name, tagline, and product illustration to increase your brand recall. It allows you to not spend on advertising separately, simply customize your boxes with brand elements and increase your brand awareness. 

Tell Your Brand Story

Packaging is an ideal way to describe your brand story and reflect your brand success journey. It develops a connection between your brand and consumers for future purchases. It tells your customers what your brand is and why it exists. It provides a clear image of your brand and product through elegant packaging. 


For this purpose always identify your target audience and let them know about your brand story to believe in you and increase customer loyalty. 


Final Words

Above is a detailed illustration of the custom box packaging trends that help you boost your identity. By following the trends given above you can create highly persuasive packaging that builds a customer connection. In this way, you can build and establish a powerful brand image and increase product visibility. 


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How Customized Packaging Boosts Brand Image

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